Ultrasonic Cleaning
What is scaling? Scaling/cleaning of teeth is most commonly advised treatment by a dentist which removes the adherent plaque, tartar & food particles in between teeth and also between teeth and gums. External stains on the teeth which cannot be removed by simple brushing, can be removed by scaling and polishing. We advice our patient to get a dental scaling done once every six months.
What is dental plaque? Dental plaque is a soft, sticky, colorless film of bacteria and food particles that constantly forms on the teeth. If dental plaque is not removed within 10-14 hours by brushing, it mineralizes into calculus or tartar. Calculus once formed cannot be removed by brushing and has to be removed by scaling by a dentist. What is tartar/calculus? Dental plaque mineralizes into a hard stone-like substance called as tartar/calculus. Tartar/ Calculus appears as yellow /brown/blackish hard deposits between gums and teeth. Excessive deposition of tartar over a period of time leads to mobility of teeth and unhealthy gums.
How is scaling done? Scaling is the procedure done by modern ultra sonic technique which does not cause any harm or scratches on the natural tooth structure. No local anesthesia is given for this procedure as this is a virtually painless procedure. Scaling involves a deep cleaning of the tooth above and below the gum line to remove any plaque and calculus on the tooth. Commonly an ultrasonic machine is used. It has a fine tip which vibrates at ultrasonic frequency and which dislodges tartar and plaque from the tooth surface.